Note: Only one submission per business. Please select the category most applicable to your business.
Doing Good

We’re recognizing businesses who know that doing good is good for business. These businesses have gone above and beyond in their focus on the good. These businesses pride themselves on supporting others, making communities stronger and investing in a better Canada.
Tell us your story
Tell us about your business – tell us about who you are and what you do. What was the inspiration for starting it? (Maximum 200 words)
 1. What initiatives, products or services do you offer to do good? Did you introduce a new initiative or were you able to leverage an existing offering? (Maximum 200 words)
 2. Demonstrate how your business works to benefit others locally, regionally or nationally. (Maximum 200 words)
 3. Looking forward, how will you continue to change how you do business? How will you keep your customers and communities engaged? (Maximum 200 words)
Marketing Magic
These businesses are investing in marketing to strengthen and support their business’s growth now, and into the future. Whether it’s a first campaign, a new focus on social or their business went viral, they are growing their voice, awareness and presence.
Tell us your story
Tell us about your business – tell us about who you are and what you do. What was the inspiration for starting it? (Maximum 200 words)
1. How have your marketing plan and tactics changed in the past year? What did you start or stop doing, or what have you done differently? (Maximum 200 words)
2. Describe the marketing channels you leveraged to get your message in market. What was the business impact of the customer engagement experience? (Maximum 200 words)
3. How have the tactics you executed strengthened your relationship with existing customers or attracted new customers to your business? (Maximum 200 Words)
Rising Stars

We want to recognize business that have launched over the past two years and have gone from 0 to 100 in the blink of an eye – whether the business is online, a bricks and mortar location, or anything in between. They’ve found their groove and are carving out a place for themselves in the small business community.
Tell us your story
Tell us about your business – tell us about who you are and what you do. What was the inspiration for starting it? (Maximum 200 words)
1. Through what channels do you operate your small business (online, brick-and-mortar, combination)? Did you start out operating in this way, or did you evolve your business model in response to changes in the retail landscape over the last two years? (Maximum 200 words)
2. How have you responded to your business' growth? Have you added employees, moved spaces, increased selling channels? (Maximum 200 words)
3. What’s next for your business? Do you have plans for expansion, new service/product offerings, etc.? (Maximum 200 words)